Sunday, April 8, 2007

Everyday Life Quotes

'Nothing is impossible...'

by Judith Tan when we were in Secondary School

'Everything happens and not happen for a reason. If its meant to be, its just a matter of time.'

by Halcyon in Secondary School

'Everything happens for a reason...'

by Shive, have to quote this down as it reminded me of the above quote I wrote long time ago.

'Do good to others, and goodness will come to you...'

by my Mother since I was a little girl

'What is too nice? I'm just being me. It's the way I am and how I will be...'

by one of two ladies having a conversation, India

'We learn from our families. We are born into our family for a reason and there are lessons to learn from everyone of them. Same goes for friends and accquaintences we meet. Observe what you think is right or wrong, and make your own judgements. If its right, learn from it, if its wrong, try to figure a way of changing it or handling things differently so things will be right.

There is no right or wrong answer, as at the end of the day what matters is what you feel is the right decision.'

by Halcyon, April 2007

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