Monday, April 16, 2007

A little bout Halcyon

Figure that it will be good to provide some insider information on the writer of this blog, that's me :)

A lot of people have been asking, what does Halcyon mean? I first came across the word from the song by Orbital, Halcyon & On & On, which I really love. Been using the song title as my MSN Messenger display name for quite a while before I looked upon the meaning of it.

- A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon.
- Old English word influenced by the Greek Mythology of a fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.

- Calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity.
- Marked by peace and prosperity; golden: halcyon years.

- Joyful and carefree.

Yup, and that's how I came to use the name of Halcyon. Amazed to find out how much the description suits my personality and beliefs. Come to think of it, I just did an AURA-SOMA® consultation yesterday and selected the colours Violet, Turquoise and Gold. Perhaps more than just a coincidence...

Now lets get back on track, born and bred in Singapore, I have a burning desire to travel since I was really young, perhaps 8 years old? Remember telling my Grandmother one day 'Don't be suprised if next time I won't be staying in this Country', and she freaked out. Been making a lot of short trips, and now I'm finally gonna embark on a long trip all over the world, with the mission of learning and knowledge in mind. Do check back on this website for more information I may gather throughout my trip on the different healing practises and tips.

I have a partnership business involved with Web/Graphic Design and Audio Visual solutions, Pressure Funk. My experiences so far include writing, web/graphic designing, marketing and teaching. One may wonder how I am able to do so much at such a young age (Not telling you my exact age, but I can say I'm in my mid-20s). Somehow I seem to be able to pick up things easily, especially something that's of interest to me. I'm also one of the organisers of Om Project, a series of psychedelic trance parties in Singapore. As you can see, music and all sorts of creative communication appeals to me.

Healing is something I have picked up little by little over the years. Always eager to learn, I've learnt and read books and done my own research from benefits of different teas, to Ayurvedic massage, colour therapy, foods for our body, Reiki, etc. Would like to gather enough information of the various alternative healing therapies and utilise the knowledge to provide sound recommendations to people.

Being an Indigo Adult, I possess the qualities of empathy, and am very concerned about the level of happiness and quality of life of all individuals. Love and Happiness is something that everyone seeks for, and you definitely deserve it. :)

Click here to see if you are an Indigo too. I believe a lot of people are/are becoming one nowadays. I have been through a whole lot of roller coaster rides to survive in the human race and find meaning in life, and am still going on with my quest. Remember, we are all here to learn.

Halcyon is an Intuitive counsellor, Reiki Practitioner, and does Oracle Card readings for leisure.

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